Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Learning Management Software Pakistan

What is LMS?
 LMS is short form of Learning Managementsoftware. It’s an internet based Application for e-learning programs and training contents. This Application includes
• Teacher and Student Administration
E-learning Programs and training Contents
• Courses and on-line Events
• Internal Communication System (Built in Mail)
• Documentation
• tracking and reporting of the e-learning programs
• Forums to communication between the students and Teacher
• Support flexibility and Standards
• show scores and transcripts
• Provided SSL Security Systems
LMS is about:
LMSis used to manage on-line content and administer distance learningprocesses. LMS permits us to create and support an infinite range of on-linelearning courses that may be accessed by students from everywhere the globe.
• On-line quizzes;
• Course documents repository;
• Drop box and mailbox;
• Embedded forum and chat;
• Multi language interface and much more.

The user interface and interaction is between:
Local Admin: an individual accountable for general system, teacher Administration and course settings
Teacher: an individual responsible for creating and administering Topics and Lessons for Courses, managing the entire learning process.
Student: a learner registered into one or many courses.
Student Interface:
The Students interface is meant for students taking part in the specific course. Every Course has different Topics and every Topic can have different Chapters.
Student will check his/her Progress in the process of learning on the Course Home page View Lessons every Chapters is given different Study materials(Lessons), Video Files, Flash presentations, Exercises ,MCQs ,Questions and downloadable Documents Mail Inbox Student has mail Inbox System where they'll communicate with their teacher’s of the actual courses and might Clear Doubts and queries.
Feedback: Feedback form is provided for the student to communicate with the Administrator. Student will see the updated News and Updated Topics that has been updated by administrator.

Admin Interface:
The Admin area is meant for customizing and modifying general and layout settings of the main LMS areas: Teacher, Student and native Admin. The Administrator of the System will perform operations on Administrator, Users management, Course management, General configuration.
The administrative area of the system permits you to perform user management at all levels: from administering course users to managing teachers, local admin and Students.
We have User Menu Settings screen for the privilege settings for the local admin and teachers. Here we can produce the different of group of User menu Settings and can assign to the teacher and local admin to that group using the User Level Settings.
When the students is been is registered the Course and the Corresponding Batch is been selected and only that Course and the topics for the Course are Seen to the student when Logins.

The batch for every Course is been Created within the batch master where the start date and also the finish date for every Course and the Seat Limit is been given.
Creating course: The administrator can create any number of Courses from the Coursemaster .ie (CIM as Course Name). Once making Courses; every Course is been allotted to the teachers using Assign Course to Teacher Master.
Creating the Topics Here Admin will create any number of topics and might Assign the topics to the Corresponding Courses using the Assign Topics to Courses Master that has been Created from above.
Here it makes Courses->Topics
Creating Chapters Here the Chapter is added for every Topics and the Admin will create any number of chapter for every topics.
Course->Topics-> Chapters
Creating Lessons Here the lessons i.e. the Study material for the lessons is been created. Any range of Study Material may be created for every Lesson.
Course->Topics-> Chapters-> Lessons (Study Material)
Creating Exercises Here the Exercises for every Lesson is created and Any range of Exercises may be Created here for every lessons
Course-> Topics-> Chapters-> Exercises
Creating questions Here the questions for every Lesson is created and Any range of questions may be Created here for every lessons
Course-> Topics-> Chapters-> questions
Batch Master Create Courses through Course Master create Batch from Batch Master, once User Creation assign the Course and Batch No Course group create Batch for every group Assign Topics to assign teachers to every course each course Assign Students to every Batch At the Registration Time.
General System Settings
Create the User Level group for local Admin and teachers using User Level Settings. Assign the levels to every local Admin and Teacher. There’s Inbox, Compose and Sent Mail for Admin, Teacher and Users. The Teacher will communicate with the students assigned to them and administrators. The Admin has the Privilege to regulate all the Inbox of the Teacher and User. The student will communicate with the Course Teacher and additionally a replica of the mail is Send to the global Admin.
Document Settings: this is to automatically generate the Serial No with the prefix, Suffix as per the Admin defines. System Settings: wherever the System global Settings may be defined. This is to automatically generate the Serial No with the prefix, Suffix as per the Admin defines.
System Settings: where the System global Settings may be defined.

Most LMS (learning management systems) are 4-7 years recent (learning management was the very 1st talent management category created) and the analysis shows that 61 of firms plan on exchange their learning platforms within the next 18 months, the most often cited product to get replaced.

LMS systems nowadays are quite different from platforms only some years ago. Today’s LMS is a web course catalogue, an expert management system, a collaboration and information sharing platform, and a content and talentmanagement system. All this practicality has been integrated into the LMS, leaving firms with older products anxious to upgrade.

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Monitoring Evaluation Software NGO pakistan

Monitoring and evaluation being an important compliance issue for NGOs so that creating a need for clear reporting to their donors using automated Monitoring and Evaluation tools. As the sector becomes more and more competitive to get funding from leading donors, there is a need for automation to attract bigger donors every year.

Monitoring and Evaluation software is a fully web based solution to Manage Donors, Beneficiaries, Sub-Recipients and Service Providers. It helps the Beneficiaries to be developed in life style, practical knowledge and production improvement. Actual target versus actual project implementation tracking can be done in a peek with using this software.
·         Client and Family input data
·         Multiple roles/programs per client
·         Client outcomes
·         Case management, including unlimited fields and notes
·         Referrals
·         One-to-one services
·         Unlimited fields and notes for each service
·         Follow-up tasks for staff
·         Ability to report on any data
·         Standard reports, including outcome changes over time
·         Flexible options for assigning security / permissions to users
1.    Identify which of your efforts, services, staff and programs are most effective at accomplish desired outcomes
2.    Identify and track key trends
3.    Monitor participant attendance
4.    Manage and analyze participant population data
5.    Analyze evaluation results
6.    Manage referrals
7.    Maintain a complete history of participant information
8.    Address multi-funder reporting accountability - in minutes

Why is Monitoring & Evaluation important for NGOs?

Monitoring and evaluation are separate functionality devoted to the evaluation of your NGOs comprehensive performance. Monitoring is an organized and constant process that collect information consider to the progress made by an implemented project. Evaluation is time specific and it’s performed to judge either a project has reached its goals and conveyed what expected according to its original plan.
First of all, Monitoring and Evaluation are important for you to determine that your project is accomplishing set targets. Essentially, by monitoring the development of the project you will easily understand either strategic change need to be made and act accordingly.
Second, Monitoring and Evaluation are related to donors who need to determine whether your NGO is a trustworthy partner. By analyse streamline and final result of your projects, donors will decide on the behalf of your NGO, upon which further partnership could be established. As such, to develop a strong Monitoring and evaluationplan is of vital importance.
What you have to consider while developing an Monitoring and Evaluation strategy:
1)   Evaluation. Clearly state what are the fragments of the project and what are the final outputs. On the one hand, this will strengthen the overall compactness of the project proposal. On the other hand, you will make sure that the donor has actual ways to determine the partial and final results of the project, thus contributing to guarantee a successful communication.
2)   Monitoring of outputs. Clearly study methodology able to regularly monitor the development of the project so that the evaluation of partial and final outputs is steady with the monitoring process. Comparatively, if your output is to train 10 students to use specific software, make sure to monitor the progress they make every week. In this way, you will be able to provide proof on how the final output has been reached.
3)   Monitoring of outcomes and impacts. Outcomes and impacts are more difficult to evaluate. Though it is clear how to measure the success of an implemented project by describing that a certain goal was reached, to measure the impact of an activity in community dynamics is more challenging. Thus, find your way to monitor what happens ‘around the project’. For instance, you can involve on a strategy able to prove that not only these students are learning how to use new software, but also that by obtaining a new skill the quality of their lives is somehow improving. By designing a monitoring strategy able to evaluate outcomes and impacts, you will succeed in proving to your donor that the implemented activities will have a positive, long-term effect in the community. Further, you can draw on the results of your monitoring practice to design new follow-up projects or to make sure potential new donors on the NGOs capacity to pro-actively engage with real problems and positively affect the lives of those you and with whom you are working.
Overall, you should also consider the Monitoring and Evaluation exercise as a way to make the activities of your NGO clear and easy to account for. There is nothing bad for a donor than not being able to understand how an NGO is administering a given budget or implementing a project. Thus, everything you do – including difficulties you face and changes you made to overcome possible problems – needs to be visible. Monitoring serves the purpose of making what you do visible in the sense that it provides tools and instruments to communicate with your donor and the wider public throughout the implementation of the project.
WHY USE ESOLPK’s Software?
·         Increase your impact by adopting best practices in results-based project design
·         Inspire donor confidence through high quality results-based proposals and reports
·         Build complete Monitoring and Evaluation systems from scratch in a matter of days
·         Achieve high performance through real time reporting on progress and results
·         ReduceMonitoring and Evaluation costs through quick and easy data entry and reporting
·         Learn as you go with easy on-screen guidance, animated tutorials and friendly client support

ESOLPK project is a web based project monitoring and evaluation software application for building results-based projects and Monitoring and Evaluation systems to help you track and measure the performance of your projects.
ESOLPK makes project design and monitoring and evaluation easier, quicker and more transparent; you can build Monitoring and Evaluation systems from scratch and develop standard format project proposals in a matter of hours. The software is so easy to use that you will no longer need to rely on external Monitoring and Evaluation specialists and ITexperts.

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Web portal Company Pakistan

ESOLPK is one of the top Web Development companies in Islamabad,Pakistan providing Portal web site Development Our solutions enable you to effectively manage and moderate on-line communities and have interaction in seamless connectivity along with your community members. Our Portal solutions allow you to access, share and aggregate and manage information through a single portal platform.

Our community websites allow millions of users to connect through one platform and share/contribute/process information to an individual or a large network of users.

The scope of web portals is in depth and very different. Their purpose is to bring together numerous sources of data on to one platform. The objective behind web portal development varies from one client to another. The challenge is to achieve a convergence of varied technologies and platforms to develop a website that meets the portal expectations of the client. All in all, a custom web portal solution offers a web environment that's very strategically and arranged and at a similar time brings along varied web-based applications to perform multiple procedures.

•           ASP. Net based Portals, PHP Web Portals
•           Web portal services based on technologies like web Logic, JavaScript,   XML, and XSL
•           Commercial portals for B2B & B2C exchanges
•           Corporate business/enterprise portals
•           Portal web content management
•           Systems integration

ESOLPK develops complete, customized web portals. ESOLPK was founded on the principal of providing total solutions for portal implement. It offers a broad range of product and services to facilitate you build an efficient web portal. ESOLPK is the leading provider of portal framework services for the internet marketplace.

If you're delivering a dynamic, personalized website with high worth services to your web system, ESOLPK's integrated family of portal solutions can facilitate you build and grow your custom portal quickly and with efficiency. We facilitate you build quicker, with more flexibility and for less price than the other solution.

Portal Website Design
Information is resource and the method data is stored, retrieved and processed matters a lot. ESOLPK, gives outstanding look and feel to your webportal, we struggle to give best technological solutions to assist our clients attain business success, Integrating clear, cost-saving and efficient portal systems creating your upcoming clients and audiences into leads.
Our range of experience includes differing kinds of portal design &development services such as:
•           B2C Marketplace
•           B2B Marketplace
•           Competitive sale Portal
•           Car sale Portal
•           Industrial Portal
•           Job Portal
•           E-commerce Portal
•           Healthcare Portal
•           Education Portals
•           CRM Portals
•           Business Intranet Portals

What is the overall thinking of Portals?
Many individuals believe that Portal designing is all regarding blowing contents and images along and posting it to the web. Number of individuals comes to us to understand additional regarding Portal designing and engineering and need their Portal to be customized into a client significant browsing for sales and services. We do our best to assist our clients in increasing their profits by having interactive and easy-to-use client driven business portals.
We put our efforts on the improved navigation, front page, usability, compatibility, adaptability, and fast retrieval of information. Portals that we build are creative and having a look n’ feel with business approach. We use ALT tags, Heading tags and other techniques for smoother navigation to facilitate your web portal audience. The Portal can be covering varied cultural norms.

What to expect from us?
•           Increasing return on your investment
•           Portals with core focus on user-friendliness
•           Eye-catching websiteportal design
•           Portal development to maximize your user interaction
•           Content management to give best user data
•           Bridge gap between the organization and its audience

Website Development & E-Commerce

At ESOLPK our team of creative and skilled web developers; offers complete range of web services as well as web development, e-commerce based webportals and shopping carts that helps our purchasers in Pakistan and overseas build their on-line business expertise glorious. We've expertise in wide range of web site development starting from static websites sites to full blown shopping cart primarily based dynamic websites.

We have creative and skilled web developers in Pakistan who aren't solely capable of developing standard based E-Commerce websites however additionally build CMS based websites, portals and applications.

Using the latest in technological achievements, our web developers offer the most unique and creative, state-of-the-art solutions for online design andweb development, regardless of the kind of business you're in. From entertainment to shopping, to sales and manufacturing, we have the solution that can be customized to your specific needs. Let us increase your possibilities for business success on the internet with a custom-developed web solution. ESOLPK is a web development company that has served essentially to business communities not even in Pakistan, but additionally around the world like US, Canada.

One Stop Web Portal Solutions!
Our services, Portal development, enable clients to take advantage of latest prospects for their business.
•           Our core service is that we deliver web portal development solutions according to trends in latest business operations and technology.
•           We offer services to upgrade and build enhancements from time to time as per the necessities of our clients, to make sure that the web portal runs with efficiency without any problem.

Portals and Portal Development: The All-In-One Web Super site
We see Portals springing up similar to mushrooms here and there and these portals have changed the virtual world and it has apparently rocked the foundations of historically static websites. On the contrary, a portal enables user to access customized data and applications. The demand of portals is increasing rapidly as we are undoubtedly turning away from static self-referential web content with the appearance of one unique platform that permits users the advantage of integration differing types of information and applications, which are custom and adjusted to the specific wants and needs of each and every single user.

We endlessly attempt to be ahead with the most recent technologies so as to offer effective and efficient solutions to our present and future client. We are endlessly struggling to develop distinctive web portals thus as to boost effectiveness and make a unique competitive advantage for our customers so they will simply enhance their return on investment. We provide an extensive selection of web portal designs and developmental services to provide informative, modern, concise, inventive, eye-catching and creative websites.

Why is WebPortal Development Necessary?
Nowadays, the information primarily based marketplace has grown-up so huge that it can simply open new avenues of improvement and growth for businesses to optimize and augment current and future processes. As theinformation technology business is developing quickly, we see that new opportunities to streamline operations and improve intra-group communication are developing. In our present day situation, we all are always connected somehow, so a web portal that allows 24/7 access is extremely very important for potential opportunities of success for any business.
We proudly present new web portal applications for prompt communication, information delivery and automation of business operations via interconnected web services. Our company is one of the highest web portal development services that gives web development services in various arenas to assist small and huge businesses construct user-friendly and attractive web portals.

How willportal development enhance your business?
We do not wish that for you! We are web portal development firm that focuses on developing and building all types of web portal solutions for small to large sized firms.

Our company can give you with one solution to all your problems!

Functions and Features of a Portal
An expeditiously managed portal will give simple and secure information and communication mechanisms. It can additionally be a method for automation and collaboration of current business strategies via integrated applications and web services for a business.

The major functions of a portal are:
•           Personalization
•           Search and navigation
•           Information integration
•           Notifications
•           Infrastructure functionality
•           Task management and workflow
•           Integration of applications and business intelligence

Generally, web Portals give a user customizable interactive web interface that is useful in accessing information and services that the user needs or wants. Companies nowadays would like an active and simple data access system, so that the customers will get all the data they need in one place, this helps to retain the attention of customers too. We see firms who do not meet the new criterion of user expectations lag behind and then disappear altogether.

Friday, 20 May 2016

CRM Consulting Services

The efficiency of an organization is directly related to its ability to meet the challenges and most effectively respond to customer requests.
Minimize the response time to a request made through the website is an invitation to the conceivable customer look for an alternative solution in the competition.
To answer this and some other challenges, organizations must access a CustomerManagement Solution which must merge the electronic channel (contact via website) and when applicable, the online sales channel (orders, customers, products, etc).
In direct response to a demand Dedicated MANAGEMENT and effective the ESOLPK develops standard solutions for CRM in response to customer and companies of management challenges.

Key Elements in successful CRM Solution

Choosing and implementation of the CRMsolution requires a repetitive process with each step to be validated with end-users, the result will be useful tool for tracking data. The areas that enterprises need to consider are as follows:
  • Solution has to be cloud enabled
  • Solution needs to support any device and support offline use
  • Solution has to be intuitive to use and provide information in an easy-to-use format
  • Solution needs to be integrated to other key solutions such as document management system, accounting etc.
  • Solution needs to have a future that the enterprise can count on
  • Etc.

Benefits of Customer RelationshipManagement

CRM(Customer Relationship Management) systems offer fast, time-saving functions that can provide businesses with a number of precious benefits. Here we take a look at the main three:


Data management can be effectively handled by a CRM system, allowing you to:
·         Evaluate;
·         Restore;
·         Track;
·         Record;
·         Concentrate;
·         Share – all without any effort.
Your records will always be entirely up to date and you will be able to see which services are working well – and those that are not have good result.
Campaigns are easy to set up and run, meaning you can be perceptive or dedicated, depending on the circumstances. You can also take advantage of goal trackingcapabilities, meaning you get a real inner look when making main marketing decisions.


CRM’s can also help boost your sales in a number of ways – for example:
·         By enabling you to improve sales planning and management (such as setting up price lists and discounts, recording scoring and conversion);
·         By automating processes (such as tracking leads all in one place, segmenting your customer database, identifying cross-selling opportunities etc);
·         By taking advantage of predicting analytics so you can identify key selling outline;
·         Giving your sales teams more time to focus on what they do best – selling – by automating processes.

Benefits of Customer Relationship Management for Customers

The benefits of Customer Relationship Management range all the way to your customers, too, because you can get a real perception in to who your customer is – so you only send them targeted communications, but you will inspire a feeling that they are actually valued – again, because you “know” them.
Here are some examples:
·         By allowing you to gather all their data in one place, they do not have to answer the same questions again and again or offered products or services that they have just bought or do not need;
·         The vision you get in to your customers with the CRM software means you can customize a service specifically for them. So, if you are a business that sells products and you get a lot of after-sales calls relating to a certain product, the CRMtools will highlight this to you so you can solve the issue. This gives all-round better customer service.
Customer relationship management (CRM) refers to the practices, strategies and technologies that companies use to manage, record and evaluate customer interactions in order to increase sales growth by expanding and enhancing relationships with their customer bases.
 Managing customer relationship is a big part in business; customers are usually the ones who bring return to the company and keep it going. And how customer relationship is managed can appoint considerable effect on their return.
According to ESOLPK, the goals of CRM business framework are the following:
Using existing relationships to grow revenue
Using unified information for excellent service
Introducing logical, replaceable channel processes and procedures
A lot of work goes into CRM; managers identify customers—they look at customers’ past record, their personal information, purchasing preferences and concerns. They take the information to differentiate the services each customer receives, so that newsletter, discounts, etc. are customized for all customer groups. Many, manager regularly interact with customers and get feedbacks. So, CRM is used to provide the best personal service to the customers that they enjoy their visits and develop customer loyalty.
Now, all this processes seem very complicated—even more complex in the old days when there were no digital devices. However, managers nowadays are cleverly implementing useful information technique to optimize CRM processesE-CRM!
CRM software is now an essential part to all service businesses. CRM software centralizes customer data and information into “a single CRM database” so that managers can simply view an organized version of their customer data and manage customer relations better. They also have automated functions for customer communication over e-mail, social media, and other channels. Common features of CRM software are the following:
 (1) Marketing automation
(2) Sales force automation
 (3) Contact center automation  
(4) location-based technology
It makes managers’ work a lot simpler and enable them to analyze and track profitability.