What is LMS?
LMS is short form of Learning Managementsoftware. It’s an internet based Application for e-learning programs and
training contents. This Application includes
Teacher and Student Administration
E-learning Programs and training Contents
Courses and on-line Events
Internal Communication System (Built in Mail)
tracking and reporting of the e-learning programs
Forums to communication between the students and Teacher
Support flexibility and Standards
show scores and transcripts
Provided SSL Security Systems
LMS is about:
LMSis used to manage on-line content and administer distance learningprocesses. LMS permits us to create and support an infinite range of on-linelearning courses that may be accessed by students from everywhere the globe.
On-line quizzes;
Course documents repository;
Drop box and mailbox;
Embedded forum and chat;
• Multi language interface and much more.
The user interface
and interaction is between:
Local Admin: an individual
accountable for general system, teacher Administration and course settings
Teacher: an individual
responsible for creating and administering Topics and Lessons for Courses, managing
the entire learning process.
Student: a learner registered
into one or many courses.
Student Interface:
Students interface is meant for students taking part in the specific course.
Every Course has different Topics and every Topic can have different Chapters.
will check his/her Progress in the process of learning on the Course Home page
View Lessons every Chapters is given different Study materials(Lessons), Video
Files, Flash presentations, Exercises ,MCQs ,Questions and downloadable Documents
Mail Inbox Student has mail Inbox System where they'll communicate with their
teacher’s of the actual courses and might Clear Doubts and queries.
Feedback: Feedback form is
provided for the student to communicate with the Administrator. Student will
see the updated News and Updated Topics that has been updated by administrator.
Admin Interface:
Admin area is meant for customizing and modifying general and layout settings
of the main LMS areas: Teacher, Student and native Admin. The Administrator of
the System will perform operations on Administrator, Users management, Course
management, General configuration.
administrative area of the system permits you to perform user management at all
levels: from administering course users to managing teachers, local admin and
have User Menu Settings screen for the privilege settings for the local admin
and teachers. Here we can produce the different of group of User menu Settings
and can assign to the teacher and local admin to that group using the User
Level Settings.
the students is been is registered the Course and the Corresponding Batch is
been selected and only that Course and the topics for the Course are Seen to
the student when Logins.
batch for every Course is been Created within the batch master where the start
date and also the finish date for every Course and the Seat Limit is been
course: The administrator can create any number of Courses from the Coursemaster .ie (CIM as Course Name). Once making Courses; every Course is been
allotted to the teachers using Assign Course to Teacher Master.
Creating the Topics Here Admin will
create any number of topics and might Assign the topics to the Corresponding
Courses using the Assign Topics to Courses Master that has been Created from
it makes Courses->Topics
Creating Chapters Here the Chapter is added
for every Topics and the Admin will create any number of chapter for every
Creating Lessons Here the lessons
i.e. the Study material for the lessons is been created. Any range of Study
Material may be created for every Lesson.
Chapters-> Lessons (Study Material)
Creating Exercises Here the Exercises
for every Lesson is created and Any range of Exercises may be Created here for
every lessons
Topics-> Chapters-> Exercises
Creating questions Here the questions
for every Lesson is created and Any range of questions may be Created here for
every lessons
Topics-> Chapters-> questions
Batch Master Create Courses
through Course Master create Batch from Batch Master, once User Creation assign
the Course and Batch No Course group create Batch for every group Assign Topics
to assign teachers to every course each course Assign Students to every Batch
At the Registration Time.
General System
the User Level group for local Admin and teachers using User Level Settings.
Assign the levels to every local Admin and Teacher. There’s Inbox, Compose and
Sent Mail for Admin, Teacher and Users. The Teacher will communicate with the
students assigned to them and administrators. The Admin has the Privilege to
regulate all the Inbox of the Teacher and User. The student will communicate
with the Course Teacher and additionally a replica of the mail is Send to the
global Admin.
Document Settings: this is to
automatically generate the Serial No with the prefix, Suffix as per the Admin
defines. System Settings: wherever the System global Settings may be defined.
This is to automatically generate the Serial No with the prefix, Suffix as per
the Admin defines.
System Settings: where the System
global Settings may be defined.
LMS (learning management systems) are 4-7 years recent (learning management was
the very 1st talent management category created) and the analysis shows that 61
of firms plan on exchange their learning platforms within the next 18 months,
the most often cited product to get replaced.
systems nowadays are quite different from platforms only some years ago.
Today’s LMS is a web course catalogue, an expert management system, a
collaboration and information sharing platform, and a content and talentmanagement system. All this practicality has been integrated into the LMS,
leaving firms with older products anxious to upgrade.